Chapter Scholarships

AFP Minnesota Chapter, in coordination with AFP Global, is making available eight scholarships for new and renewing membership. Each scholarship covers one year of Global and MN chapter membership dues for 12 months from January 1 - December 31, 2021.

In alignment with AFP Minnesota's 2020 Strategic Framework, our key goals for these scholarships are to remove barriers for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), fundraisers from smaller organizations, and members who will be deeply engaged in AFP's work to support and improve the fundraising profession.

We ask that all scholarship recipients volunteer on an AFP-MN Committee. The time commitment is two to five hours a month. Feedback from past scholarship recipients indicate that this can be an excellent way to learn about AFP, expand skills and connect with peers. The application asks you to indicate which committee you prefer.

As AFP members, scholarship recipients are asked to commit to upholding the Code of Ethical Principles and Standards of Professional Practice. For more information on the “Code” go to our ethics page.

The application is simple to complete. Included with your resume and basic demographic information, and a few questions.

Please contact with any questions.

The deadline for membership scholarship applications for 2021 has passed. Please check back in September 2021 for more details.